drugs are ruining my life, but im not sure i can stop?

Question by escapethefatex3: drugs are ruining my life, but im not sure i can stop?
i’m in a drug rehab and im doing really well in there because they dont know, its a day program so when im going to have to give a urine i just tamper with my urine [putting hot water or a clean persons pee in a comdom and taking it to rehab] i’ve been using again since 3 weeks ago and most of the time im not sober, i’ll do any drug i can get my hands on, which is everything. i fear i might die. what should i do?

Best answer:

Answer by PJ
It is a choice you are making. Take responsibility. You must want that – or you wouldn’t choose to do it. I know that isn’t much help – but you have to want to be straight or all the rehab talk doesn’t matter at all. Set a goal and stay focused on it.

Answer by essentiallysolo
stop lieing for starters, take rehab seriously and either clean up your act and live a productive life, or at least shut up and die quietly.

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