Should Christians not use drugs?

Question by euphoric(k): Should Christians not use drugs?
If not, where in the bible does it say not to?
And I’m talking about illicit drugs.
… you can use certain drugs for spiritual purposes, they aren’t just for fun, and they don’t all harm your health.

and if our bodies are a temple, then what about junk food
I didn’t say I was using them, I’m just curious what the bible says about them. That’s it. My brother was just saying how biblically there’s passages that say against it’s use…

And the bible is very important to me, so yes it does matter very much what the bible says.

Best answer:

Answer by SO12G ATHEISTY
no they should ,they should for sure,maybe they will see God once and for all instead of daydreaming about it

Answer by Sharpie
In the Hebrew text marijuana is actually talked about positively as a healing herb.

Marijuana is a medical gift from God.

That is the only drug I would say is o.k.

2014 National Drug Facts Week — National Drug Facts Week promotional video, introduced by NIDA Director, Dr. Nora Volkow. Quick look at what you need to do to get ready for NDFW 2014! This …

10 Responses to Should Christians not use drugs?

  • Esther says:

    Well, the bible does say that our bodies are the temple of the holy spirit. I wouldn’t use illegal drugs for many reasons, one of them being….they kill you eventually. They are also illegal, which is wrong.

  • Human says:

    Our bodies are a temple, but fast food is okay.

  • Michael says:

    its there choice, mainly the individuals

  • Life_Is_Painful says:

    Thats only if they really wanna follow the ten commandments completely..but find it to be even more strict and tend to make them think that all drugs r wat belongs to the devil.

  • Siter says:

    Drugs don’t really have anything to do with religion, but they’re medically harmful to us, so no-one should take drugs just for fun.

  • John says:

    I am unsure. I remember reading my entire bible a couple years ago but don’t even remember it saying drugs aren’t okay.

    I know for a fact though that alcohol IS a drug. And Jesus drank it throughout the entire bible.

  • Ford_Craney says:

    1 Thess 5:6 & 8
    1 Tim 3:2 & 11
    Titus 1:8,2:2 & 4 & especially verse 6
    1 Peter 1:13, 4:7 ,5:8
    It says to be SOBER minded, you are NOT sober minded when you are higher than crap son.regardless of whether it was legal or illegal drugs, alcohol or pot etc.

  • Da Waterwalker says:

    Our body is the temple of God and should not be abused.

  • George V says:

    Religion is a stupifying drug.

  • wefmeister says:

    May I say first that I was saved in an unusual manner, with no one else testifying to me except the Holy Spirit testifying directly to my heart, causing me to be gloriously born again.
    I used drugs for years after being saved, but the Holy Spirit eventually made it clear to me I needed to be free from these things.
    The first thing He put His finger on was LSD. I came home one day after tripping on acid, and the Holy Spirit and been subtly dealing with me, showing me, showing me I needed to quit. So I came home the day after tripping, and while I was crashing, I laid down on my bed and slept, and while I was sleeping I became aware of a presence emanating from the wall in front of me and coming towards me. I lay in bed unable to move or respond, but fully aware, and I sensed something lean down over me and it was as if it breathed on my neck, and in my sprit – in the pit of my gut, I cried out the Name of Jesus, and it left, and as it went it seemed to radiate out into the wall behind me and it sounded as if chains were dragging behind it – like the ghost of Jacob Marley. I was paralyzed with fear for a few moments, but shook it off and was able to get up and around, but I understood God was telling me to quit the LSD, so I did.
    I continued smoking pot though, but eventually met other Christians, got baptized in the Holy Spirit, and without anyone telling me what I needed to do, I dumped my beer and my pot and started living a separated life before God. I have had my backslidings, but it is clear to me that drugs never were in any way a benefit, but a snare and a hindrance to a spiritual life, and worse, they make you useless and vulnerable to deception, causing you to waste precious time and money that could go to the furtherance of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God.

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